Sunday, January 24, 2010

Words and their Emotional Meaning

Today I was struck again by how often some terms are used casually by many people who don't realize the damaging power those terms have.  I am reminded of how many lovely, well-meaning people in my life enjoying throwing around gang terms and street slang without really thinking about what they say. 

Take, for example, a lovely woman and mother whom I once considered a very close friend.  I've seen her use certain "street terms" many times over the years and yet I don't really think she takes the time to think about the damage it may cause.  She has a son and daughter of her own and is a God-fearing woman who strives to live her life without reproach every day.  Yet in her writing and blogs I see these words (and other out-of-place slang terms most often found on the street) repeated time and again.  It's not that she's insensitive; I believe she's just clueless and/or isn't thinking, really, about what she says. 

As I learn more about the reality of prostitution, trafficking, and the "underground world" I increasingly become aware of the use of one particular word as a compliment or positive description.  That word is "pimp."  Now, I think we all know what a pimp is.  It is a despicable, evil person who profits off the pain and suffering of others, to say the very least.  Yet people love to throw it around.  You're a pimp if you have status, power, money, jewelry, notoriety, or a variety of other characteristics. 

When I hear that word used casually by a person who doesn't think about what they say before they say it I cringe.  I know too much about the reality of human trafficking not to be sickened when people use that word. 

Please, for the sake of the people in slavery to pimps all over the world, do not use this term as slang or in jest.  I unwittingly hurts those around us who have experienced the dark world these monsters are a part of.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year!

Two nights ago marked the ringing in of the new year!  It was a quiet night for us here at the Stephens' home--we stayed in, shared some wine, and sat out on the porch gazing at the elusive "Blue Moon."  It's typical of us to stay in on big nights.  We're homebodies at heart and, while we do love to go out and spend time with friends, staying in is our "go to" choice on big nights.

It's been another year of marriage for us and things are looking up!  We started out the year in South Carolina with Chad's family for a week of southern barbecue, time with family, and seeing old friends (though I didn't get to see one friend, you know who you are!!  Hint, KV....)

Returning from South Carolina we said goodbye to my brother Ben who's battalion was deployed to Afghanistan in April.  His wife, Renee, had been expecting their first child since early November and so I determined to be there for her as much as possible over the next few months.  The day Ben left she was handed the keys to their very first home and moved in with the help of other Marines and my brother and cousins.  At that point in time I was still working and wasn't able to go down to help.

Mid-May brought bad news for me at my job with Village Roadshow Pictures.  I was informed that in two weeks' time I would be laid off from my job with six weeks of severance pay and a bleak job market to look forward to.  I was taken by surprise with the news, but in the back of my mind I knew that there was a chance something like this could happen.  The only regret I have about losing that job is that I needed that position to gain more experience for my future career; getting laid off completely ruined that plan and pretty much caused the ensuing months of job-hunting to be nearly impossible.

I looked for work for about seven weeks after losing my job with not a single call back for an interview.  I finally received word from a good friend of mine that a temporary position was coming available on a TV show and if I wanted it for two to three months I could have it.  I gladly jumped at the chance!  I probably would never go back to working on a television production again, but I thoroughly enjoyed my job with Open 4 Business Productions.  I was what is called the department coordinator if you're part of the union and what is merely a production assistant if you aren't.  I had a wonderful, fun time working on the show and am really glad that I got the opportunity to experience that kind of work!  It's the kind of thing where you don't get paid much, you work long hours (minimum 10 hours a day) but you don't care because it's such fun.  All in all a great experience!

October marked the end of my temporary television career and I was back on unemployment insurance and crossing my fingers that our bills would get paid every month.  I spent my days searching for jobs on the internet and submitting an unfathomable amount of resumes.  During the second week of November I received two interviews in the same week!  I was on cloud nine!  One came as a result of a good relationship I had with a recruiter and the other a result of my decision to begin to look for jobs that are a step down from my experience level.  I didn't make the first one, but I was hired almost on the spot with the second!

I have been working at a fast-growing escrow company in Beverly Hills called Escrow Of The West as one of two busy receptionists.  It was extremely stressful at first, but I have quickly gotten into a rhythm of sorts and am really enjoying the job.  My coworkers are all great and it's very similar in atmosphere to the job I had a Village--it's a smaller office (only 25 or so people) and everyone is very serious about their work but at the same time laid-back and kind.  I am really enjoying myself.

We spend Thanksgiving down at my brother's house in Temecula where we were greeted with a surprise visit from my Mamaw and Papaw!  It was a big crowd complete with cousins and friends and we tested the capacity of my brother and Renee's house to the limit!  But it was a great time and we really enjoyed having fun with everyone.  

This December we hosted a small Christmas party for a few friends at our little apartment.  I'll tell you, it was a LOT of fun but I'll think twice before having nine people over to this tiny place!  I enjoyed exercising my culinary capabilities by making homemade stuffed mushrooms and the most delicious whole wheat pizza dough from scratch.  Yum!

We left LA at about 3:30 PM on Christmas eve (after I got off work early) to drive up to Redding with my brother Jesse.  It was a long 550 miles but we made it before midnight.  Christmas was a wonderful time at my parents' house with the whole family there including all my brothers, Renee, Joanna (Renee's sister) and the newest member of our growing family--Noah Wesley Dekker.  It was a wonderful time together.

On the 27th we trekked up to Mount Shasta just 45 minutes north of Redding to find some of the best snowboarding conditions with lots and lots of powder and falling snow!  I was able to try out my Christmas present which was a new snowboard!  It was very exciting.  Joanna and Dave sped ahead of me and I struggled a bit due to being a little out of shape, but all-in-all it was a great experience!  I am very excited to continue with this amazing new sport.  Thanks to my wonderful husband for the great Christmas gift!

I think it's been quite a great year for us and we are excited for the years to come.  Life is good and we have great health, wonderful family and friends, and a warm place to sleep at night!

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of our lives this past year.  We are truly blessed.